Friday, October 10, 2008

Don't Forget to Bow for the Ladies

Dogs often get a bad rap on the romance front but you human males could learn a thing or two about the ladies from their canine friends. We too appreciate a the booty but we know that you have to start at the other end. As those who have the sense to come to us for advice on rommance have repported the successful doggy bows to the ladies to let them know that they are open for play and then plays with so that they gain the ladies confidence. Then romantic overtures can be be broached. So, don't be so quick to throw out the old fashioned courtesys. After all your parents didn't spring out of rocks your grandfathers and great grandfathers knew a thing or two and most likely they learned it from their dog.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Bretheran on the Job -- Companions the Homeless

Working dogs appear in all aspects society. Those that work with the homeless are some of my most especial friends. Homeless life is very frightening, so the dogs that work with the homeless have to be very fierce. Though they are really quite friendly when you get to know them they generally consider themselves to be on the job at all time. Generally it is not advisable to approach either them or their charges to quickly or without explicit permission their owner. Generally the owner will tell the dog when it is o.k. Even then it is a good idea to move very slowly.

But even more important is the psychological support that these dogs give to their owners. A dog is never homeless when it is with its pack. Though sadly the dog can not give the same peace of mind to their human, they are a comfort beyond words.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Clay Art Childrens Museum --200 West Avenue San Diego CA 92101

The New Children's Museum has finally opened. It looks really fun. Tyler and I like to take our daddies by there often. The children get to do all sort of fun things including making clay sculptures. These are my favorite so far.  They also have Volkswagen Beetle which the children paint with figner paints.  Here is the info for the museum.

Address: 200 West Island Avenue
San Diego, California 92101
Phone Number: 619 233 8792
Fax Number: 619 233 8792

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to Take the Elevator

I used to love stairs.  My daddy taught me how to climb the stairs when I was just a little puppy.  But then I found out that taking the stairs can hurt my joints.  Joint problems are the primary cause of premature service dog retirement.  So, now I take the elevator.  It was a bit funny at first going into a small room that moved.  But now I know that you just need to practice your good boy sit and soon it will be over. 

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Celebrity Treatment

As a hero doggy there are many perks. I generally get lots of attention wherever I go. It is not unusual to find that people already know my name. And, if I get a spare moment away from work I am happy to do handshake for admirers. But sometimes even hero doggies are given the business. I was trying to help my daddy buy a bus pass at a major chain convenience store and a worker said I was not welcome. My daddy politely informed him that I was a service dog on the job. The person said that they didn't care. My daddy said that if they didn't let me do my work he would have to call the police. The man said he didn't care. Finally Oprah, I feel your pain. What kind of world is it when a beloved celebrity is given the bum's rush by a local retailer. We should really chat over some that special food your dog's dietitian raved about on your show.

My daddy and I went outside. He called the police and we waited quietly. A very nice policeman arrived very shortly, and sorted the whole thing out. So remember if you get into trouble. Don't try to bark it out, call your friendly policeman. He has a hero suit just like mine.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Playdate with Tyler

Ever since I ran off after those daschund twins my daddy has been keeping me on the lead. How, uncool, I mean they are TWINS. But I still get to go over to my best friend, Tyler's house and play. Here is a video of us having fun. Welcome to all my new friends at JAVA class. Remember when you get too stressed out to go over to your best friend's house and roll around on the floor!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Doggies that Live by the Samari Code

GNU 1.2 B@CH

This is a book review of Dog Man: An Uncommon Life on a Faraway Mountain by Martha Sherrill about the Akita breed of dogs. The book includes a story about an Akita, named Hachiko that went to the train station to look for his dead master for nine years after his death. My daddy can't wait to read it. Here is a picture of my grandmother and cousin next to Hachiko's statue.

I know a few Akitas myself, but remember hero dogs come in all shapes and sizes.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Daddy's Art

Last Friday my daddy and I went to art class. This is what my daddy did there. I let him put it on my important puppy throne, my mommy bought for me, so everyone could see it.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Art Tour

I like to take my daddy on art tours to expose him to the wider world of fine arts. Here we're looking at the work of an artist that isn't afraid of using bold colours. If you want to send me some of your art I might put it up.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Driving Away the Dragons

Today the neighborhood was invaded by dragons. No one seemed to do anything about it. That's when I knew it was all up to Charlie. I chased them away with my firm big boy bark. Look at them run!!!!