Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Clay Art Childrens Museum --200 West Avenue San Diego CA 92101

The New Children's Museum has finally opened. It looks really fun. Tyler and I like to take our daddies by there often. The children get to do all sort of fun things including making clay sculptures. These are my favorite so far.  They also have Volkswagen Beetle which the children paint with figner paints.  Here is the info for the museum.

Address: 200 West Island Avenue
San Diego, California 92101
Phone Number: 619 233 8792
Fax Number: 619 233 8792

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to Take the Elevator

I used to love stairs.  My daddy taught me how to climb the stairs when I was just a little puppy.  But then I found out that taking the stairs can hurt my joints.  Joint problems are the primary cause of premature service dog retirement.  So, now I take the elevator.  It was a bit funny at first going into a small room that moved.  But now I know that you just need to practice your good boy sit and soon it will be over.