Thursday, June 12, 2008

Celebrity Treatment

As a hero doggy there are many perks. I generally get lots of attention wherever I go. It is not unusual to find that people already know my name. And, if I get a spare moment away from work I am happy to do handshake for admirers. But sometimes even hero doggies are given the business. I was trying to help my daddy buy a bus pass at a major chain convenience store and a worker said I was not welcome. My daddy politely informed him that I was a service dog on the job. The person said that they didn't care. My daddy said that if they didn't let me do my work he would have to call the police. The man said he didn't care. Finally Oprah, I feel your pain. What kind of world is it when a beloved celebrity is given the bum's rush by a local retailer. We should really chat over some that special food your dog's dietitian raved about on your show.

My daddy and I went outside. He called the police and we waited quietly. A very nice policeman arrived very shortly, and sorted the whole thing out. So remember if you get into trouble. Don't try to bark it out, call your friendly policeman. He has a hero suit just like mine.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Playdate with Tyler

Ever since I ran off after those daschund twins my daddy has been keeping me on the lead. How, uncool, I mean they are TWINS. But I still get to go over to my best friend, Tyler's house and play. Here is a video of us having fun. Welcome to all my new friends at JAVA class. Remember when you get too stressed out to go over to your best friend's house and roll around on the floor!